Aquaponics - My first tomato

I made a tomato.

And It's perfect.

It looks like this.

It makes me sad to think that if my tomato were part of some tomato making production facility, it probably wouldn't make it to the first grade bench. Not because there is anything wrong with it, but simply because there is too much individuality in my first tomato. Aquaponics has given it a really good supply of nutrients, but its fellow tomatoes are different sizes. Already they seem like their own tomatoes. Not towing the line and being totally uniform.

I wonder if there is a lot of nipping buds in tomato farms.

The fruit come on at all different times, but I figure if I cut out flowers for a while, then suddenly let them all grow, then cut out new flowers, I'd be able to get packs of six vine ripened tomatoes in a bunch all connected and all ripe at the same time.

Perfect to wrap in cellophane.

It seems like a lot of effort to go to to waste a stack of tomatoes.

Not that I can talk. I've been wasting many more then I'm letting grow out, in an attempt to leave some space in my little grow house for other things to also have their sunshine.

And just in case you missed it, here's another photo of the same tomato, but taken with a little more love, more accurately reflecting the feeling I have toward my first tomato I have ever grown in my life.

I feel like I've come of (middle) age.

I just made up a riddle...

How many lunatics does it take to photograph a tomato with love?

120 Things in 20 years - Not just un-natural tomato love.

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